
Successful Formas applications


The department of earth sciences received several grants from Formas. See list below:

Kristina Seftigen

Title: Innovativt helhetsgrepp för förbättrad jämförelse och integrering av klimatmodeller och proxydata
3 million SEK

Åsa Kasimir

Title: A guide on how land-use management can convert high-emitting drained organic soils into areas with negative
7,5 million SEK

Urban Climate Group - Sofia Thorsson, Fredrik Lindberg, David Rayner och Janina Konarska.

Titel: Multifunctional blue-green infrastructure - optimizing socio-cultural and environmental aspects for sustainable urban development
8 million SEK

Titel: Transformation towards green and blue cities: Conflicts between the sustainable development goals, TRANSSAFE
3 million SEK (20 precent of the buget to the Urban Clmiate Group)

Deliang Chen

Title: Assessing centennial wind speed variability from a historical weather data rescue project in Sweden
3 million SEK

Changgui Lin

Title: Solar radiation, wind, water cycle, warming target, renewable energy
3 million SEK